Check out the range of outputs and formats you can create using R Markdown.
With R Markdown, you write a single .Rmd file and then use it to render finished output in a variety of formats.
HTML documents for web publishing.
PDF documents for printing. Example Code
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word documents for Office workflows.
Tufte styled documents for handouts. Example Code
Interactive Documents
Combine R Markdown with htmlwidgets or the shiny package to make interactive documents.
HTML Widgets
Add interactive graphics with htmlwidgets, such as the leaflet map widget.
HTML Widgets
Embed htmlwidgets such as dygraphs and datatables directly into your reports.
Add interactive analysis with shiny, which lets your user rerun the actual analysis within your report.
Shiny components and htmlwidgets will work in any HTML based output, such as a file, slide show or dashboard.
Combine R Markdown with the flexdashboard package to quickly assemble R components into administrative dashboards. Each example below contains a link to the source code within the dashboard.
Dashboard with gauges and value boxes
Use flexdashboard to create dashboards with gauges and value boxes.
Dashboard with htmlwidgets
Add interactive graphics to a dashboard with htmlwidgets.
Dashboard with Shiny
Add interactive analysis to a dashboard with Shiny.
Dashboard with storyboard
Organize dashboards around a storyboard.
R Markdown supports several presentation (slide show) formats.
Beamer slideshow
Create pdf slides with Beamer. Example Code.
Slidy slideshow
Create HTML-based slides with Slidy.
ioslides slideshow
Create HTML-slides with ioslides. Example Code
reveal.js slideshow
Create HTML-based slides with reveal.js. Example Code
Use R Markdown alongside bookdown to author books and then distribute the books as PDF, HTML, EPUB documents and more. Here are some books that have been authored in R Markdown.
Bookdown: Authoring Books with R Markdown
The Bookdown book explains how to author books in R Markdown.
R for Data Science
R for Data Science teaches how to do Data Science with R.
Efficient R Programming
Efficient R Programming explains how to write nimble, performant R code.
Geostatystyka w R
Geostatystyka w R is a Polish introduction to geostatistics.
R Markdown makes it easy to build webpages straight from .Rmd files.
R Markdown
The R Markdown website is itself built with R Markdown. Example Code.
flexdashboard extends R Markdown to make administrative dashboards. Its website is also built from R Markdown. Example Code.
Bookdown extends R Markdown to make books. Its website is built with R Markdown and CSS styling. Example Code.
profvis provides profiling tools for R code, as well as a website made with R Markdown. Example Code.
Create reusable templates to quickly apply styling and content to yan R Markdown document.
The JSS article template in the rticles package formats an R Markdown document to meet the style guidelines of the Journal of Statistical Software. Example Code
R Journal
The rjournal article template in the rticles package formats an R Markdown document to meet the style guidelings of the R Journal. Example Code
The skeleton template is one of several provided in Bob Rudis’ markdowntemplates package. Example Code
Steve Miller’s CV template formats an R Markdown file into a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Example Code
Package Vignettes
The html_vignette template makes it easy to write R package vignettes with R Markdown. These vignettes were each written with R Markdown.
The Quickstart vignette in the httr package. Example Code
The Selector Gadget vignette in the rvest package. Example Code
R Markdown with the Docco Linear Style (knitr)
The Docco Linear example vignette in the knitr package. Example Code
R Markdown with the Docco Classic Style (knitr)
The Docco Classical example vignette in the knitr package. Example Code